Best Way to Clean Laminate Floors

What is the Best Way to Clean Laminate Floors?

Have you renovated your home by buying a different kind of flood and are now thinking what is the best way to clean laminate floors? One of the amazing advantages, which laminate flooring has over other types of flowing is how simple it is to keep clean.

Once set up, the after-care, which laminate flooring needs are extremely simple and very little. If it’s carried out on a regular basis, your floor can be maintained looking like new for more years to come.

Did you know that dust is the greatest enemy of laminate floors? This, later on, leads to dullness. Bigger particles of rock, sand, and dust may cause visible scratches as well. However, getting rid or cleaning of such dust from the laminate floor is an easy and simple task. Thus, when it comes to cleaning your laminate floors, your choices are endless because they’re easy to maintain.

Following are the best ways to clean your laminate floors and keep them looking amazing at all times:


Because there is so much of debris and dust, which falls on your floor every day, you must sweep it on a daily basis. The perfect time is at night when everyone is gone to their beds, and the foot traffic has lessened. Doing this will enable you to get to the higher traffic regions of the home.

Although you may have some areas, which are not used as much, you will still find dust particles, which will get on your floor coming from the air vents. Thus, make sure that you also sweep the floor in such rooms. While you might have to do it on a daily basis, you must at least perform it two to three times every week.


You will some found stuff, which a broom or simple duster will not be able to pick up. Often, you step on things that rub into your floors and are difficult to get with a simple duster, hence the only way to get rid of it off the floor is using a mop.

Whenever moping, you can utilize a microfiber mop that is soft and will not ruin your floors. Actually, you must stay away from mops, which are made out of harder materials as they tend to scratch your floors. Ensure to ring your mop twice before you mop as you don’t like to ruin your laminate floors by having too much water.


Apart from mops, you will also find lots of products, which are being marketed these days. Instead of using products that include toxins and harmful compounds, you can just look inside your cabinet and grab a white vinegar, and you can create your own.

You can combine a cup of vinegar with steamy and warm water. Then add a few drops of lemon to eliminate the smell of the vinegar. Further, if you have more things to get rid on the floor, you can just add a drop of dish detergent into your mixture. Make sure to mix it very well.

Now that you are aware of how to clean your laminate floors carefully, always maintain them. Keep scratchy, hard objects from penetrating into the floors and ensure that you clean up any spills immediately.

Keeping these steps and doing the cleaning on a regular basis will make sure your laminate floors will last years letting you take advantage of them all through the years and not having the difficulties of changing a damaged prank of the flooring.

(Images courtesy of Pixabay.)