Best Way to Lose Belly Fat for Men

What is the Best Way to Lose Belly Fat for Men?

Do you have excess fat accumulated around your abdomen? If so, you need to get alert. Without regular exercise, you cannot burn the accumulated fat and lose belly fat. For men to lose their belly fat, opt for intense cardio exercises and include strength training activity in your regime so that you can work on the abdominal muscles and get toned physique. The best way to lose belly fat for men is by doing muscle building and fat burning exercises.

Exercises that help

To burn belly fat, you should include cardio in your workout schedule. Cardio serves to be the most effective type of exercise for men to burn calories fast and burn the body fat. More intense is your cardio session, more fat is burned. The high-intensity interval training involves sessions of vigorous exercise alternating with short periods of recovery. Typical high-intensity interval training includes jump squats, jumping jacks, burpees and more.

What you eat is the most critical factor

A lot of studies have shown that carb-rich diet can cause an increase in belly fat as well as waist circumference. It is thus important to reduce the amount of these carb-rich foods. Your diet should include mostly vegetables, low-fat dairy, fruits and lean proteins. Also, it is important to restrict or reduce your intake of carbohydrates like rice, pasta, crackers, and bread. These items are not basically unhealthy, but they are not believed to be nutrient dense foods.

When you wish to lose your belly fat, a protein-based diet can help a great deal. Apart from reducing the fat, it even helps to maintain your lean muscle mass. Taking adequate amount of proteins will keep you feeling satisfied for a longer span of time. Further, create a calorie deficit and reduce your daily calories to lose weight. You can accomplish this in different ways like cutting down the portion size, burning more calories with physical activity, changing your diet composition with more proteins, fewer carbs, and fat.

Maintain a regular workout schedule

Well, the amount of calories that you need to take to lose belly fat actually depends on your body build up, age and physical activity. To lose weight, cut out around 500 calories each day. This rate of losing weight is very safe and effective for most men. You even need to reduce your sugar intake as consumption of sugar is directly related to increased belly fat. Thus, it has been observed that men that consume less sugar have smaller waist size. Foods to restrict or stop eating include candies, sweets, cakes, beverages, cookies and the foods that are made with flour.

Apart from controlling what you eat, crunches are something that burns belly fat in the best way. It is indeed the number one fat burning exercise that you should include in your daily workout plan. You can try different forms of crunches each day to break the monotony like including bicycle crunches, side crunches, twist crunches, vertical leg crunches, oblique crunches, reverse crunches and raised crunches.

With proper exercise and diet, it is further very crucial to limit your alcohol consumption if you want to lose belly fat. It is said that when it comes to losing your belly fat, it is like what you drink is as crucial as what you eat. So, go for occasional alcohol intake and give up on taking beer or alcohol every day.