Best Way to Clean Ears

Everything found in our body has its own purpose, and earwax is no exception to that. Earwax is crucial to the health of our outer ear canal, as it offers antibacterial properties, lubrication, and protection as well. Your ears generate earwax continuously so that there’s the proper amount found in your ear canals. Nonetheless, oftentimes wax can accumulate excessively, leading to a blocked ear canal.

Normally, earwax works it’s out of your ear naturally through jaw motions or chewing, but you need to safely remove them from your outer ear. To help you with this process, we will give you some ways on how to clean your ears safely at the comfort of your home.


Making use of olive oil denotes you don’t need to worry about irritation and dryness, as the oil will cover the sensitive skin in your ear and safeguard it.

  • Pour several drops of lukewarm olive oil to your ear.
  • Cover the opening of your ear using a cotton ball.
  • Lay on your side, along with your covered ear fronting upward for at least ten minutes.
  • Get rid of the cotton ball and slowly tilt your head in the opposite way to drain out the excess oil.
  • Clean your ear opening using a soft cloth.


Another efficient way to clean your ears is with a mixture of rubbing alcohol and white vinegar. While the rubbing alcohol dries up the liquid, which might be left in your ears, vinegar aids dissolve the earwax and stop the accumulation of bacteria.

  • Combine the rubbing alcohol and vinegar in the same amounts.
  • Immerse a cotton ball in your solution.
  • Squeeze a few drops of it into your ear while maintaining it tilted to the direction of the ceiling.
  • After three to five minutes, tilt your head in the opposed direction to enable the solution to drain out together with the earwax.
  • With the help of another cotton ball, eliminate any excess gunk from your outer


Did you know that hydrogen peroxide is another typical way of cleaning your ears at home? This solution will soften and its effervescent action that may cause popping or fizzing sounds will help bring the wax near to the outer surface for hassle-free removal.

  • Combine similar amounts of water and 3 percent of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Fill a dropper with it.
  • With the dropper, place the solution into the ear while keeping it slanted toward the ceiling.
  • Wait for at least five to ten minutes or until you don’t hear any fizzing sounds.
  • Slant your head in the opposite direction to enable the solution to run out.
  • Utilize a clean cloth to get rid of any excess residue you find closer the outer part of your ear.
  • Utilize this cure no more than after a week.

Take note not to utilize hydrogen peroxide if you are experiencing a perforated eardrum or you have a history of ear issues.


You can just make use of purified and clean water to drain your ears of earwax. Water is known to be very gentle with your ears and it can aid dislodge the wax. Make sure that the water you use is purified to lessen the risk of bacteria causing harm inside your ears.

  • Boil a water and let it cool down to a room temperature.
  • Fill a dropper with water.
  • Slant your head toward the ceiling and place drops of the warm straight inside your ear.
  • Let it sit for at least two to three minutes.
  • Slant your head in the opposite way to drain the water from your ear.

Our ears are quite good at cleaning themselves, but if you feel like they need additional assistance, make sure to follow these alternative methods discussed above for getting wax out of the ears.